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Jan. 5, 2023: Staying healthy in the new year

Dear Spartans,

As many of us return to campus this week and next, after what was hopefully a restful winter break, it is imperative we not let our guard down amid the myriad illnesses affecting many of us this winter, including COVID-19 and influenza.

We strongly encourage all members of the campus community to stay up to date on their COVID-19 vaccinations to protect against severe illness and hospitalization. As soon as you are eligible, please consider receiving the bivalent COVID-19 booster, available at the MSU Health Care Pharmacy and many locations across the state and country.

And it is not too late to receive the influenza vaccine, which also is available at the MSU Health Care Pharmacy. Students can get vaccinated at Olin Health Center, too, which requires an appointment by calling 517-353-4660.

Washing hands frequently and cleaning your personal spaces and workspaces regularly are more actions you can take to minimize your risk for illness. And while MSU has no university-wide masking requirement, students, faculty and staff should feel supported in choosing to wear masks as an added protective measure.

As a reminder, COVID-19 PCR testing at the MSU Clinical Center resumes Jan. 9 and is offered Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 12:30 to 5:30 p.m. No appointment is needed. We will continue to evaluate testing needs on campus over the coming weeks.

If you do test positive, the Together We Will website provides specific COVID-19 guidance. In general, for any illness, remember to keep your distance from others as best you can, get rest, stay hydrated and consider wearing a mask to better protect yourself and others around you. Seek medical care if your symptoms worsen. For students living on campus, more information—including how to make meal pickup arrangements—can be found on the Live On website. General health resources for all students can be found at the Student Health & Wellness website.

Stay healthy, Spartans.

Michael Brown
University Physician

Alexis Travis
Assistant Provost/Executive Director, Health and Wellbeing