MSU policy requires that all incoming freshmen and undergraduate transfer students complete a web-based immunization form reporting their immunization status, and updating it as it changes.
MSU strongly recommends, but does not require, that students are current for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended vaccines listed below.
It will be easier for you to complete the web-based immunization form if you have a copy of your immunization record with you. Ask your parents, physician, or high school for a copy of your immunization records.
Vaccines Recommended for Teens and College Students
- Hepatitis B: A one-time series of two or three doses of vaccine.
- Tetanus/Diphtheria/Pertussis Booster (Tdap): One dose of Tdap at age 11.
- Meningococcus: One dose of vaccine at age 11 or 12 and one dose of vaccine at age 16.
- Meningococcus-B: Two doses of vaccine at age 16 through 23 years is recommended, vaccination at age 16 through 18 years is preferred.
- Varicella (Chickenpox): A series of two doses of vaccine on or after the first birthday is recommended.
- Measles/Mumps/Rubella (MMR): A series of two doses of vaccine on or after the first birthday is recommended.
- Influenza: Vaccination yearly in the fall. Recommended for everyone over age 6 months who does not have a contraindication to the vaccine.
- Hepatitis A: A series of two doses of vaccine is recommended.
- Human Papilloma Virus (for women and men): HPV vaccine is recommended for routine vaccination at age 11 or 12 years (vaccination can be started at age 9). HPV vaccination is recommended for everyone through age 26 years if not adequately vaccinated when younger. HPV vaccination is given as a series of either two or three doses, depending on age at initial vaccination.
- Polio: A series of four doses of vaccine is recommended.
- Pneumococcal polysaccharide (PPV): One-dose of vaccine for those under the age of 65 who have any of the following conditions:
- Long term health problems, such as: asthma, heart disease, lung disease, sickle cell disease, alcoholism, cirrhosis, leaks of cerebrospinal fluid, or cochlear implant.
- A disease or condition that lowers the body’s resistance to infection, such as: Hodgkin’s disease/lymphoma or leukemia, kidney failure, multiple myeloma, nephritic syndrome, HIV infection or AIDS, damaged spleen, or no spleen, organ transplant.
- Is taking a drug or treatment that lowers the body’s resistance to infection, such as: long-term steroids, certain cancer drugs, radiation therapy.
- Is a smoker.
Vaccines are available from the MSU Student Health Center for a fee, from most county health departments, or from personal physicians. Some of the vaccines at the county health department are offered at reduced or no cost. Health insurance may pay for some of the immunizations, as well. Students may want to check with their health insurance carrier to see if they do cover part of these costs.
For questions about the policy, its requirements and recommendations, please call us at 517.353.9101.